Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weekly Report

Hello There

I've not been posting recently. My pardon. Getting some bugs out of the system known as me. Was feeling a bit down in the dumps and all of the actions I could have taken to get myself out of said dumps I chose not to take. I chose to continue to wallow. An old choice that I believe I have moved on from once again. Like smoking. I was a non smoker for a bit, then went back to them after I had an emotional booboo, now I am back on the healthy track. Doing things to make myself happy and not thinking about what might have been or what may not be, things that just aren't serving me anymore. I am taking action, that is my thing, actions to nurture and love me. And one of those is reaching out to you all, my loyal masses, for I love you heaps and heaps.

Our Monday Check In that has been a Tuesday Check In the past two weeks, yet I am going to stick to calling it a Monday Check In of our Abundance and Wealth. I am a brilliantly rich man!

Last Seven Days -- 117 Page Impressions -- 17 Clicks -- $6.05
All Time -- 1386 PI -- 143 Clicks -- $61.64

Hot diggity dog. Thank you all. We here at BS get our first check from Google when we hit $100. Perhaps this week we can hit that mark as I intend to post and get the word out there. You never know. I am open to give and receive.

Love, Light and Superior Firepower,

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