Hello Loyal Masses
Do hope you all had a fantastic Labor Day weekend. The irony of a brilliantly underemployed fellow not working all weekend celebrating working was not lost on me.
Wrote an award winning piece on Acceptance to share with you, true genius in every word, the example a heartbreaking and uplifting story with every bite. Then the Universe texted me and I dumped the post for a minute or two. As I've detailed, I am trying valiantly to walk my walk, not just talk me talk, and if I smell fraud or holier than thou too much, I'm going to reel the post in. Any way, that's just me making excuses for being a bit lazy, I accept that and move on.
Thank you for your continued support, BS is flourishing. Wealth and Abundance are showered on me daily in lieu of daily bathtub showering. The numbers........
Last Seven Days -- 97 Page Impressions -- 15 Clicks -- $4.64
All Time -- 1647 Page Impressions --203 Clicks -- $83.57
We are approaching our first payment from Google!!! They pay on the $100s, so I'm not telling anyone what to do, yet a click here and a click there and this cowboy can have steak for dinner.
Love, Light, and the other white meat,
but what if we do not want our cards read or do not need to know more about our horoscopes? clicking away anyway for you, brother! come on $100.00 - brendan needs a steak dinner!