Friday, April 17, 2009

Hot Chicks Cooking Bacon -- The Video

Doesn't that sound like something you'd love to watch. I know I could watch for hours. Maybe even cook some bacon to get surround-smell going. Mmmmmmmmm bacon. Well I don't have any video posted yet. But it is another promise I intend to keep.

While rereading some of my posts and cringing at them, hot chicks cooking bacon leaped off the page. Why I have no idea, where this is going, again no idea.

I can see the casting note now -- "Bikini model wanted. Must be adept in a kitchen. Comfortable with grease burns. Jews and Muslims need not apply"

The idea of breakfast, beginning your day, is one that I love. In the past my breakfast may have been at noon, but it was still the beginning of my day. Depression will do that to you.

Most of my mornings start with coffee with my neighbor. It's one of the rituals I love when I'm not working. We share a laugh and get hopped up on caffeine. Talking with him helps me get a better handle on what I want to accomplish for my day. Or in the past, what I was going to avoid for that day.

Okay now I now where this was going, sorta. I love those serendipitous moments in life. The Avid Outdoorsman is going camping this weekend, that is what he does. The Bitter Spiritualist very rarely camps. He's more a five star hotel type of guy, living on a Motel 6 budget.

So I'm writing about breakfast and I get a call about procuring items for breakfast. Sure I could write it off to coincidence, but I don't see the world that way. Everything, and I mean everything, happens for a reason. It may not be what I want, but it gets put into my face for a reason. It's a beautiful dance of synchronicities, sometimes i look and own it, other times, unhealthier times, I yell scream and blame.

So lets look at why I was writing about breakfast and i get a call about breakfast. Here's my quick take on it. I was feeling like, wow I am going to share this blog with more people today and all I can come up with is about breakfast, that and hot chicks cooking it. Wasn't even sure if I was going to post it. There are a lot of rejects. And if you read any of my posts you can imagine how moronic you have to be to get into the reject pile.

So as I was questioning this post, this blog, my talent, why am I doing this. Going to quit for the morning, and then RING RING. Okay my phone doesn't have that cool ring, but you get the idea. The Universe calling, we heard you were questioning things, going to quit, so we thought we call and remind you to keep on going. Keep doing what it is your doing. Don't worry, don't question, just do.

Really that's what it told me. Very cool. The guy who called me, let's call him Dick, never calls me in the morning. Never. But today he suddenly does, to talk about breakfast, while I'm typing about breakfast. Calling that a coincidence is a stretch for the toughest doubters. Yet I'm sure they could do it.

Not me. Thanks Universe for the wake up call. I am very grateful. Funny how angels come in all shapes and sizes. This one just happened to be heavily mustachioed and a bit crazy.

Off to procure breakfast deliciousness and have some pep juice.


  1. you be funny. bacon and all. i love the signs from said Uni. She is good to us, ain't she? hearts all around.

  2. Excellent, my favorite line.. a five star hotel type of guy with a motel 6 budget. The bitterness and the sprituality are a great interplay... keep 'em coming
